Nevis Range exists because of our environment. Without the splendid mountains and beautiful scenery surrounding us, Nevis Range would not exist. That is why we have been taking care of our environment in the past, while building Nevis Range, we take care of our environment in the present and we will take care and protect our environment in the future.
Operations on a SSSI
Nevis Range operates in a National Scenic Area (NSA), includes part of a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and is adjacent to a Special Area for Conservation (SAC). A Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) monitoring and management scheme was set up at Aonach Mor (for the first time in Scotland) to monitor the effects of its development.
SSSIs are areas of special interest due to their fauna, flora, geological or physiographical features. In SSSIs, certain activities are prohibited and there are legal duties concerning how the areas should be managed and protected. Nevis Range consults and works together with a monitoring group that includes the Scottish Natural Heritage, the Highland Council and the landowners, to manage and protect the land.
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