scotland food and drink

Scotland Food & Drink


Green Your Business and Improve Your Bottom Line. 


Scotland Food & Drink’s toolkit to help businesses address their climate change potential, Greening Your Business: A practical guide for food and drink SMEs, was launched earlier this month. Produced by the Scotland Food & Drink Partnership, with support from the Scottish Government and Zero Waste Scotland, the toolkit provides SMEs advice on how they can improve their green credentials as well as their overall business.

For most SMEs, costs and return on investment are major concerns – especially now, after the Covid-19 pandemic. By tackling your food waste, energy use or water use, you could cut your bills. At the same time, you could make your business more resilient, win new customers and contracts, tap into post pandemic consumer trends, or become an employer of choice.

To find out how going greener could improve your bottom line, follow the link below: