The Campervan and Motorhome Rental Operators Fund

The Campervan and Motorhome Rental Operators Fund has been established to provide financial support to Scottish businesses in the campervan and motorhome rental sector that have been severely affected by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, to help keep them in business while restrictions on opening and travel are still in place, and to support them to prepare to operate in 2021 when restrictions are lifted. 


About the Fund

The £1 million fund is being delivered by VisitScotland on behalf of Scottish Government and has been developed with input from the Campervan and Motorhome Professional Association (CaMPA).The campervan and motorhome rental sector has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, yet their contribution to visitor economy is substantial. The Fund aims to help keep campervan and motorhome rental operators in business while restrictions on opening and travel are still in place, and to support them to prepare to operate in 2021 when restrictions are lifted. This fund will be open to business that are engaged in campervan and motorhome rental as set out within the guidance notes.

Application process and preparation

Applications will be open from 12pm on 11 March 2021 until 5pm on 18 March 2021. Any applications received after this period will not be considered. Applications will not be assessed on a first come, first served basis.  


Image: VisitScotland